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Ellemes Medical Spa

Acne Treatments

VI Chemical Peel Before and After

Atlanta Acne Treatment

Acne is one of the most prevalent skin disorders in the United States, affecting nearly everyone at some time. It is also one of the most frequent reasons patients come to see an esthetician or dermatologist. Acne is often thought of to be something that just happens during adolescence, but it can occur at any age.

Acne occurs when your skin is clogged with too much oil and dead skin cells, causing inflammation. Certain bacteria can also contribute to acne. These changes can cause whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, or cysts. Acne most commonly affects the face, forehead, chest, upper back, and shoulders. Exposure to certain drugs and industrial chemicals might contribute to acne. Another risk factor for acne is taking certain medications. Acne can be worsened by hormones and stress. Certain diets that are high in sugar may exacerbate acne for some individuals.

Acne isn't just skin-deep. It can also negatively affect your self-confidence and mental health. If you're struggling with acne, know that you are not alone—ELLEMES Medical Spa is here to help. We offer a number of different treatment options tailore to your individual needs, from microneedling to facials to chemical peels. Our estheticians will work with you to develop a treatment plan that will help you achieve clear, beautiful skin. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Acne Treatments We Offer

At ELLEMES Medical Spa, our medical estheticians will help treat your acne by first finding the source of the problem: bacteria, hormonal issues, or a build up of skin cells. Depending on how severe your acne is, there are a variety of treatment options, in combination with topical treatments, that we offer that have proven effective at helping treat acne; to include:

What Causes Acne?

At ELLEMES Medical Spa, we treat acne holistically by taking into account all four major factors: overactive oil glands, the activity of normal skin bacteria, inflammation and blockage of skin pores. This way, we are able not only to identify but also target the primary cause of your acne for more long-lasting results.

Looking for an acne treatment that really works? You're in luck. Our experts at ELLEMES Medical Spa can help you get your confidence back by finding the perfect treatment plan for your unique skin type. Give us a call today to learn more about our services in Atlanta, GA.

VI Chemical Peel Before and After

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Staff Spotlight

Lauren Siso, Esthetician

Lauren has been medical aesthetician and laser practitioner for over 10 years and is passionate about helping her clients achieve their best skin possible. Lauren truly believes that everyone deserves to feel confident in their own skin and is dedicated to helping her clients achieve that goal!

lauren siso performing dermaplaning treatment
Lauren Siso, Medical Aesthetician at ELLEMES Medical Spa